MailerLite vs ConvertKit: Revealing the Top Choice in 2024

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In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, choosing the right email marketing platform can be a difficult task. As two of the leading contenders, MailerLite and ConvertKit often find themselves pitted against each other. 

But which one truly stands out as the best email marketing platform? 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer seeking advanced features or a content creator looking for an email marketing tool, this guide aims to shed light on the strengths, offerings, and unique propositions of both platforms. 

Let’s look closer at this head-to-head match-up with MailerLite vs ConvertKit and find the best email marketing tool for your needs!

MailerLite vs ConvertKit: The Winner Is….

If you want to cut to the chase, here is our pick for the best…

best overall

convertkit logo

Simplify Your Email Marketing with ConvertKit

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Great for small businesses
  • Powerful Automations


mailerlite logo

Make Email Marketing Easy and Fun with MailerLite

  • Free 14 day trial
  • 24/7 Live Support
  • Loads of templates

MailerLite vs ConvertKit: Key Takeaways

Mailer lite vs Convert Kit trend comparison chart

MailerLite and ConvertKit are top picks in email marketing and have been trending higher over the years [1]. They cater to different audiences:

  1. Audience: MailerLite is ideal for beginners and small businesses, while ConvertKit serves content creators needing sophisticated segmentation.
  2. Features: MailerLite provides a wide range, even on its free plan. ConvertKit excels with its automation and detailed tagging.
  3. Pricing: MailerLite is budget-friendly, especially for smaller lists. ConvertKit’s price reflects its advanced offerings.
  4. Design: MailerLite’s user-friendly editor is perfect for those without design skills, whereas ConvertKit focuses on content-driven methods.
  5. Integration: ConvertKit offers extensive integrations, particularly with e-commerce platforms, outpacing MailerLite.

In short, MailerLite is great for those seeking affordability and simplicity, while ConvertKit is tailored if you need advanced functionalities.

Pricing Plans

Choosing between MailerLite and ConvertKit often comes down to pricing. Here’s a breakdown:

MailerLite Pricing Plans

Has a free plan that goes up to 1,000 subscribers, with basic features. As your list grows, so does the price. Premium features like automation are included in paid tiers.

mailierlite pricing including free plan

ConvertKit Pricing Plans

While there is a ConvertkKit trial, the real power lies in the pricing plans. Pricing scales with the number of subscribers, granting access to advanced automations and integrations.

convertkit pricing including free plan

When comparing MailerLite and ConvertKit plans in terms of pricing, consider not just the cost but the features offered at each price point. Align your budget with your needs to determine the best fit.

Account Sign-Up Process

Setting up an account is the first step with any platform. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit fare:

MailerLite Account Sign-Up Process

The MailerLite sign in process is straightforward. After providing basic details, you’re guided through a quick setup, including a mandatory approval process to ensure quality control and reduce spam.

mailerlite sign up including free plan

ConvertKit Account Sign-Up Process

Registration is user-friendly. After entering your details, ConvertKit offers an optional onboarding sequence, walking you through key features and making the first campaign creation seamless.

convertkit sign up including free plan

When comparing the MailerLite vs ConvertKit sign-up experience, both are intuitive, but their onboarding approaches differ. MailerLite emphasizes quality control, while ConvertKit focuses on user education.

Ease of Use

Both MailerLite and ConvertKit prioritize user experience, but how do they stack up in terms of ease of use?

MailerLite Ease of Use

Known for its intuitive interface, MailerLite makes navigation simple for beginners. The drag-and-drop editor, clear menu layout, and helpful tooltips ensure even the least tech-savvy users can create campaigns effortlessly.

mailierlite email marketing software ease of use

ConvertKit Ease of Use

With a clean design, ConvertKit focuses on streamlining tasks. The visual automation builder, though advanced, is designed for clarity, allowing users to visualize campaigns easily.

converkit ease of use automation builder

In the battle of MailerLite vs ConvertKit regarding ease of use, both platforms shine, but they cater to different strengths. MailerLite emphasizes simplicity, while ConvertKit offers clear, advanced tools.

Email Design and Templates

Design plays a pivotal role in email marketing. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit approach design and email templates:

MailerLite Email Design and Templates

Boasts various customizable email templates suitable for different industries and occasions. Their drag-and-drop editor lets users craft emails without knowing any code, ensuring beautiful designs every time.

mailerlite email marketing automation tools templates

ConvertKit Email Design and Templates

Prioritizes content-driven designs. While they offer fewer email templates, their minimalist approach ensures that the message remains front and center. Their editor, though simple, gives ample room for customization.

convetkit email templates with a landing page

When weighing MailerLite vs ConvertKit regarding design and email templates, MailerLite leans towards variety and visual appeal. At the same time, ConvertKit champions content-first, clean designs.

Email Campaigns

Effective email marketing campaigns are the heart of email marketing. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit facilitate this:

MailerLite Email Campaigns

Offering a streamlined campaign creation process, MailerLite allows users to segment their audience, schedule emails, and even set up recurring campaigns. Its user-friendly interface ensures even complex campaigns feel manageable.

mailerlite campaign setup available with free plan

ConvertKit Email Campaigns

Standing out with its visual automation builder, ConvertKit enables users to craft intricate email sequences. With easy-to-use triggers and actions, crafting automated email funnels becomes intuitive.

convertkit automation builder for successful email marketing campaigns

Comparing MailerLite vs ConvertKit for email campaigns, MailerLite is geared towards simplicity and direct campaigns. At the same time, ConvertKit excels in detailed email automation, and sequence-building.

Subscriber Management

Effective management of subscribers is essential for targeted email marketing services. Here’s a glimpse into how MailerLite and ConvertKit handle this:

MailerLite Subscriber Management

MailerLite’s dashboard offers a clear view of subscriber details, with options to segment based on behavior or demographics. Importing and exporting lists is straightforward, ensuring flexible database management.

mailetlite drag and drop editor

ConvertKit Subscriber Management

ConvertKit stands out with its tagging system. Instead of traditional lists, subscribers can have multiple tags, enabling precise targeting. This system allows for intricate segmenting based on interactions and preferences.

convertkit successful email campaign

In the MailerLite vs ConvertKit subscriber management face-off, MailerLite provides conventional tools quickly. At the same time, ConvertKit offers a more granular approach via tags.

Automations and Workflows

Automation is a game-changer in email marketing software. Let’s dive into how MailerLite and ConvertKit handle it:

MailerLite Automations and Workflows

Offering a range of predefined workflows, MailerLite makes automation accessible. Users can craft sequences for welcome emails, cart abandonments, or based on subscriber behavior, all via a visual builder.

maillite workflow autmation used to build email marketing strategy

ConvertKit Automations and Workflows

Renowned for its sophisticated automations, ConvertKit’s visual automation builder allows for detailed workflows with multiple triggers and actions. It’s an ideal tool for nurturing leads at every step.

convertikit automations workflow for creating an email service

When discussing MailerLite vs ConvertKit in automations, MailerLite offers user-friendly solutions, while ConvertKit provides depth and versatility for intricate workflows.

Landing Pages and Forms

Capturing leads requires effective landing pages and forms. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit address this:

MailerLite Landing Pages and Forms

It shines with a robust landing page builder, offering diverse templates suitable for webinars, product launches, and more. Its forms, from pop-ups to embedded, are customizable and can seamlessly integrate into websites.

mailerlite landing page

ConvertKit Landing Pages and Forms

ConvertKit emphasizes high-conversion landing pages, focusing on content creators. Their forms, especially pop-ups, are designed for maximized engagement and are easily tailored to fit a brand’s aesthetic.

convertkity landing page

Comparing MailerLite vs ConvertKit in the landing page editor, pages, and forms, MailerLite offers versatility, while ConvertKit focuses on optimization for content creators.

Analytics and Reporting

Understanding campaign performance is pivotal. Here’s a comparison of analytics and reporting between MailerLite and ConvertKit:

MailerLite Analytics and Reporting

A comprehensive dashboard highlighting open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth. Their visual reports offer insights into subscriber behavior, aiding in refining strategies.

mailer lite landing page reorting

ConvertKit Analytics and Reporting

Goes a step further with detailed metrics on individual subscriber actions. Their reporting allows for tracking automation performance and segment effectiveness, making it a powerful tool for fine-tuning campaigns.

converkit analytics for landing pages

In the MailerLite vs ConvertKit analytics showdown, MailerLite offers clear, at-a-glance insights, while ConvertKit delves deeper, providing granular data for those hungry for specifics.


Ensuring emails reach subscribers’ inboxes is paramount. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit fare in deliverability with email marketing campaigns:

MailerLite Deliverability

With a strong reputation, MailerLite invests in infrastructure to ensure high deliverability rates. Their built-in tools, like spam testing and domain authentication, assist users in maintaining good sender reputations.

mailierlite providers deliverability results

ConvertKit Deliverability

Known for its stellar deliverability, ConvertKit’s focus on content creators means fewer spam triggers. They offer extensive guides to optimize sending practices, ensuring emails don’t end up in the spam folder.

converterkit deliverability for unlimited emails

Comparing MailerLite vs ConvertKit on deliverability, both platforms prioritize inbox placement, with ConvertKit slightly edging out due to its content-centric approach.


Effective email marketing hinges on targeted segmentation. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit approach this critical aspect:

MailerLite Segmentation

It offers dynamic segmentation, allowing users to categorize subscribers based on actions, location, or engagement levels. This ensures more personalized email campaigns, enhancing open rates.

mailierlite segmentation used to create engaging emails

ConvertKit Segmentation

Their unique tagging system revolutionizes segmentation. Instead of just lists, ConvertKit uses tags for intricate subscriber categorization. This results in hyper-targeted emails tailored to specific interests or behaviors.

convertkit segmentation available with paid plans

In the MailerLite vs ConvertKit segmentation comparison, MailerLite offers robust dynamic options, while ConvertKit pushes the envelope with its innovative tagging approach.

A/B and Spam Testing 

Optimizing email performance is crucial. A/B and spam testing are instrumental in this regard. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit stack up:

MailerLite A/B and Spam Testing

They offer robust A/B testing, enabling users to test subject lines, content, or sending times. Their spam testing ensures emails pass through filters, reaching their intended inboxes.

mailierlite a/b testing with social media links and landing page

ConvertKit A/B Testing

While ConvertKit provides A/B testing, its primary focus is on subject lines. Their built-in spam checker analyzes content, offering recommendations to improve deliverability.

convert kit a/b testing example with landing pages

When comparing MailerLite vs ConvertKit in A/B and spam testing, MailerLite offers broader testing options, whereas ConvertKit zooms in on subject line optimization and content deliverability.

Integration with Other Tools

Integrations can significantly enhance email marketing efforts. Let’s see how MailerLite and ConvertKit integrate with other email marketing automation tool platforms:

MailerLite Integration with Other Tools

With a diverse integration library, MailerLite connects effortlessly to tools like Shopify, WordPress, and Zapier, ensuring seamless data transfer and enhanced workflows.

mailierlitre integrations which use the developer api

ConvertKit Integration with Other Tools

ConvertKit boasts integrations tailored for content creators. Platforms like Teachable, Gumroad, and Patreon integrate seamlessly, creating a unified content marketing ecosystem.

convertkit integrations which use developer api

In the MailerLite vs ConvertKit integration battle, MailerLite offers a broader suite for varied businesses, while ConvertKit is sharply focused on content creators’ unique integration needs.

Customer Support

A robust customer support system can make or break the user experience. Here’s how MailerLite and ConvertKit support their users:

MailerLite Customer Support

MailierLite customer services is renowned for its 24/7 live chat support. MailerLite makes sure questions are addressed fast. Their knowledge base is packed with tutorials, guides, and FAQs for self-help.

mailierlight support for paid plan

ConvertKit Customer Support

Prioritizing user education, ConvertKit offers detailed webinars, workshops, and a resourceful knowledge base. Although ConvertKit customer service includes Live Chat, they also maintain a responsive email support system.

convertkit support for paid plan

Pitting ConvertKit vs MailerLite in customer support, both platforms prioritize user assistance, with MailerLite help offering immediate responses and ConvertKit emphasizing educational resources.

Alternatives to MailerLite and ConvertKit

While MailerLite and ConvertKit are standout choices, it’s essential to consider other noteworthy alternatives:


A versatile platform known for its SMS campaign capabilities alongside email. Features like transactional emails and advanced segmentation make it a worthy competitor.

Brevo logo


A leader in advanced automations, it seamlessly blends CRM functionalities with email marketing, enhancing customer relations. For more information on ActiveCampaign, see our article comparing it with another tool called tinyEmail.

ActiveCampaign Logo


Beyond email, it offers webinar hosting, making it ideal for businesses looking to diversify engagement strategies. To learn more, see our article on GetResponse vs ClickFunnels.

GetResponse Logo

In the debate of MailerLite vs ConvertKit, remember that the landscape is vast. Depending on specific needs, one of these alternatives might resonate more with your marketing goals.

Community and Resources

Building a community and providing resources can deeply influence user loyalty. Let’s explore the offerings of MailerLite and ConvertKit:

MailerLite Community and Resources

Beyond software, MailerLite nurtures a vibrant user community, facilitating idea exchanges and collaboration. Their academy, blogs, and webinars provide in-depth learning resources for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

Resources available with paid plans

ConvertKit Community and Resources

ConvertKit shines with its “Creator Community,” where users share experiences and insights. Their resources are curated for content creators, featuring workshops, detailed guides, and a podcast highlighting success stories.

Creator community available with paid plans including webinar services

When comparing ConvertKit vs MailerLite in terms of community and resources, both platforms focus on empowering users. However, their target audiences differ in approach and content.

Platform Updates and Innovations

Staying updated with evolving email marketing tools and trends is crucial. Let’s see how MailerLite and ConvertKit fare:

MailerLite Platform Updates and Innovations

MailerLite’s commitment to innovation is evident in its regular feature releases. They continually enhance their platform, introducing modern design elements and automation capabilities, keeping users ahead.

mailerlite updates

ConvertKit Platforms and Innovations

Known for its agile development, ConvertKit frequently rolls out updates, often based on user feedback. Their emphasis on aiding content creators has led to unique tools tailored for a modern audience.

convertkit updates for paying customers

Both platforms prioritize staying relevant and user-centric, continually enhancing their own email marketing service offerings.

Testimonials and Case Studies

Real-world success stories can validate a platform’s efficacy. Here’s a look at what users have to say about MailerLite and ConvertKit:

MailerLite Testimonials and Case Studies

Numerous businesses praise MailerLite for its user-friendly interface and robust features. Their website showcases a collection of case studies from diverse industries, illustrating the platform’s adaptability.

mailierlite testimonial

ConvertKit Testimonials and Case Studies

Content creators frequently credit ConvertKit for streamlining their marketing efforts. Detailed case studies on their site delve into specific user journeys, underscoring the platform’s strengths.

convertkit testimonial

When considering MailerLite or ConvertKit through testimonials and case studies, both platforms have garnered significant user acclaim with distinct success narratives.


In the world of email marketing, both MailerLite and ConvertKit have carved their niches. MailerLite stands out with lots of features and a friendly user interface that works for different businesses.

On the other hand, ConvertKit, with its specialized tools, is a haven for content creators looking to engage their audience effectively.

Your choice between MailerLite and ConvertKit should hinge on your unique requirements. 

If diverse email templates, integrations and a holistic email marketing suite appeal, MailerLite might be your go-to. But if you’re a content creator seeking tailored functionalities, ConvertKit could be your perfect match.

Ultimately, both platforms are powerful contenders. Whatever your choice, it’s about finding the platform that resonates with your goals and amplifies your message.

convertkit product review


What is ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an email marketing tool with simple features for audience growth. Tailored for content creators, it offers efficient management of campaigns, subscriber segmentation, and automation workflows.

Its design facilitates the creation of emails, forms, and templates to enhance creator monetization. Pricing is subscriber-number-dependent, with a basic free tier available.

Is ConvertKit better than MailerLite?

No, CovertKit is not better than MailerLite. This depends on your needs. ConvertKit shines with its advanced automation and user segmentation, catering to professional marketers and creators.

Meanwhile, MailerLite attracts customers with its affordability and simple interface, suitable for beginners and small businesses.

The choice depends on budget, technical proficiency, and specific marketing requirements, as each platform offers unique strengths.

Is ConvertKit a CRM?

No, ConvertKit is not a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. It is an email marketing platform focusing on subscriber list management, email campaigns, and automation rather than the broader range of CRM functions such as sales processes and customer support tracking.

However, it does offer some CRM-like features, such as tagging and segmenting subscribers based on their behavior, which can help users tailor their marketing efforts and maintain organized contact lists.

Is MailerLite any good?

Yes, MailerLite is good. It is recognized for its cost-effectiveness and ease of use, which is particularly good for small businesses and newbies to email marketing. It offers a full set of features, including email automation, workflows, and a drag-and-drop editor, without overwhelming users.

With its free plan and competitive pricing, it is both functional and affordable, making it a strong contender in the email marketing service space for those prioritizing simplicity and value.

Is ConvertKit Free?

Yes, ConvertKit offers a free plan. You can manage 1,000 subscribers, and it includes basic email-sending features. It’s designed for new creators beginning to build their audience.

The free plan also provides access to templates and forms. However, advanced features such as automated sequences, premium support, and integrations require upgrading to a paid plan, priced based on the number of subscribers in your list.

Is ConvertKit easy to use?

Yes, ConvertKit is easy to use. ConvertKit is often praised for its user-friendly interface, catering to those who need more extensive technical expertise. It streamlines complex tasks such as email automation and subscriber segmentation with intuitive tools.

The tool is created to simplify the design and management of email campaigns and funnels, enabling you to focus on content rather than grappling with a steep learning curve. This ease of use makes it a favored choice for you to engage your audience quickly.

Is MailerLite good for building landing pages?

Yes, MailerLite is good for building landing pages. Thanks to its easy-to-use interface and customizable templates. Its drag-and-drop editor simplifies the design process, making it accessible even if you have no coding knowledge.

Features like pop-ups, embedded forms, and A/B testing support conversion optimization. If you want to create landing pages with minimal effort, MailerLite presents valuable help.

What is included in MailerLite’s free plan?

MailerLite’s free plan includes access to most of the platform’s core features, especially if you have fewer than 1,000 subscribers, and allows you to send up to 12,000 emails monthly. It provides you with tools for email campaigns, advanced segmentation, and analytics.

You can create and publish a landing page, pop-ups, and embedded forms. The free tier includes a drag-and-drop editor and design templates, making it a robust option for beginners. However, live chat support and certain advanced features are reserved for paid plans.

Do MailerLite and ConvertKit allow me to build unlimited landing pages?

Yes, MailerLite and ConvertKit allow you to create unlimited landing pages. Even on their free plans! These tools offer lots of templates and a drag-and-drop editor, enabling you to design a custom landing page without coding skills.

This feature is particularly advantageous if you are looking to launch multiple campaigns or target different audience segments with tailored content, providing ample creative flexibility within your marketing strategies.

Is there a Mailerlite Affiliate Program?

Yes, there is a MailerLite affiliate program. You can earn recurring commissions by referring new customers to MailerLite. Affiliates receive a commission for every paying customer they refer, a percentage of the referred customer’s ongoing subscription fees.

The program is designed to reward affiliates for initial sign-ups and the continued use of MailerLite by those they’ve referred, reflecting a long-term earning potential for successful affiliates.

Can I create customized unsubscribe pages with MailerLite and ConvertKit?

Yes, you can create unsubscribe pages with MailerLite and ConvertKit. This feature enables you to tailor your experience for subscribers opting out of their mailing list. Customization can include personalized messages and branding elements.

You can also have the option for subscribers to select specific types of emails they wish to continue receiving, potentially reducing total unsubscribe rates. These customized pages can make your experience good and offer you valuable feedback opportunities.

Is there a ConvertKit Creator Plan?

Yes, ConvertKit offers a Creator Plan if you want to grow your audiences and monetize your craft. The Creator Plan includes advanced features such as automated funnels, sequences, premium integrations, and enhanced support.

This paid plan is scalable, and the cost is based on the number of subscribers in your email list, allowing you to select a tier that matches your audience size and needs. The plan is designed to help you engage with your followers and build your business through targeted marketing strategies.

Is there a ConvertKit Coupon?

Yes, there is a ConvertKit coupon that is occasionally available. They offer discounts, especially during special events, holidays, or marketing campaigns. These can include percentage discounts for a limited time or extended trial periods.

To find current ConvertKit coupons or promotions, you can check their official website, sign up for their newsletter, or follow them on social media. Additionally, you can contact ConvertKit’s customer support to inquire about any available discounts before signing up for a plan.